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Old December 8th, 2010
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Cool thanks, that would be fantastic if these can be worked on. I didn't expect anybody would respond or seriously consider these issues. Oh further on (1), Quicktime player is unable to recognise the file if the file has an ac3 audio stream & has the mp4 file extension, so must remain m4v for those that use QT player. I sometimes use ac3 passthrough (ie: same as original source, no re-conversion.) QT player needs the Perian codec to play ac3 audio anyway.

(3); although in most cases the word filter can be used instead, there are risks it may in fact filter out good results when the title has been abbreviated. I've seen such video titles but cannot remember a good example at present or which extension it was affecting. Of course people will not know if they have already added extensions to the word or ext. filter.

(2); really refers to two tools (extended tooltips, and description tool); yes I imagine this would be harder. But would really be a great thing if it can be done. Unless I'm mistaken, from memory, some of the earlier LW 5 versions (not the very first ones) did have ability for video description. But LW removed it again. Feel free to correct me on that. It seemed LW dev team held the description tool as a low priority issue according to my previous discussions with personnel. lol

Descriptions DO help files get found. Even using LW 5. I give a file out of a set of similar files a description. Within short time it gets hit after hit whereas the other files in same set do not get hits.

Extended tooltips never made it to LW 5. So I guess would mean looking back at LW 4. But that is not necessarily a bad thing to do looking back at what was left out of LW 5 & how they achieved those tools. LW 4's advanced description tool was very good, could add descriptions to multi files at once also which was very handy when you have a large no. of shares with same or similar description. Then just adding the custom description to each if necessary. Saved a lot of time. LW 5's description tool only allows you to add to one file at a time (not to mention its limitation to what types of files you can add descriptions to.)

Extended Tooltips gave a lot of extra information, not only descriptions. But other data also. It saved a lot of time with the ability to just hover the cursor over the file to obtain the information.

I had other things in LW's improvements or additions on their dev site. Maybe a little too much to consider for adding for you lot. lol But I can mention a couple I recall off-hand.

(a) Adding a java based bitzi tool for shared files. Only the windows version has an interface & all versions of bitcollider from the official site have not been updated in many years. LW devs seemed very interested in this concept of adding it to LW. ie: people add bitzi (bitprint) details for their shared files to Bitzi site via LW itself in a similar way as can be done using Bitcollider.
I had suggested perhaps they base it off jBitcollider since it is a java design version.

The benefits of making it easy for people to add their own bitprints of their shared files to Bitzi speaks for itself I guess.

(b) A Parental control. Not that I'd use it lol. Not a difficult concept IMHO. Some other gnutella clients have such a tool. Password based to prevent changes to major preferences being made. This would appease parents. They have been calling out for this at least since I joined these forums. Thus parents could add porn, etc. keywords (& perhaps limit file types) & lock the settings so their children can use LW without that same level of fear of them downloading the wrong things.
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