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  #94 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2010
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Join Date: November 2nd, 2004
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Botox is flying high

* One thing I'd like to see changed in the LPE is the ban hosts option. It is far too close to the Browse Host option. A few times I've accidentally banned hosts when all I was wanting to do was browse them. oops!!! And with pseudo usernames instead of ip addresses, it's almost impossible to remove accidentally banned ip addresses because we don't know which are which.

The change I'd like to see is (a) the ban option moved to a different location. (b) have an option like Phex, where the default option is to only ban for session, only an advanced ban will give option of a permanent ban.

After all, so many spammers use dynamic ip addresses anyway.

* Bring back more information for information window for files being transferred. LW removed such details in LW 5.5 or 5.4 in an attempt to keep the anonymity of the users.
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