blah -full-downloader Just finished a move, so I've got my computer back up and running for the first time in about 30 days - new install of SuSE8 - finally got the latest LW running... Never noticed these "[program name] -full-downloader" files until now. They range from about 60k'ish to about 160k'ish, and they seem to contain some executable aconti.exe and some links to pr0n'ish type websites. I've deleted the folder these were in, and as I'm typing this just got the popup: "Cannot gather information about dial-up entries. Install dial up networking blahblahblah..." so obviously it installed other funky ****, as I figured (this is installed in win4lin/win98). Does anyone have more information on this crap (what it is, how to get rid of it, etc) before I blow this 'windows' install and reinstall it...?
Thanks Much!
Geo |