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Old January 29th, 2011
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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If we pointed to a particular city or two in USA, where the no. of gun related deaths or gun crime is greatly above that of other world cities. After all, if I recall correctly the stats I saw some time back were pointing to city stats, or at least mentioning them to show how they compare to some countries totals. I believe gun crime is particularly high in some USA cities. Demographics probably plays a part.
OK easy for me just to say this, be good if I actually researched to see if I can find the information I read so you could make up your own mind.

Yes I agree about how stats can be used.
Another example is surveys, where they deliberately survey a particular group of persons of one kind instead of a wide demographic & cross-political range, etc. Carefully hiding this fact at times in their written research plan specifics & how it was 'really' carried out.
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