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Old February 8th, 2011
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I did have BearShare 5 beta working on Win 7 for a year or so. But discovered start of year it had stopped running. Reinstalling, running as admin & changing compatibility modes has not worked yet. I need to look at other options of getting it running.

No updates to Windows 7, so not sure why it suddenly stopped working. Updates to other software such as Java yes. But BS is not a java program. I can't remember if it was before or after it stopped working I uninstalled the trial-ware firewall & security package I had & resorted to Win 7's firewall instead.
(BS is still running fine on my two XP's & 2000; my two XP's had the same trial-ware security package I uninstalled.)
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