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Old February 14th, 2011
Lemonleader Lemonleader is offline
Join Date: February 6th, 2011
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Default Help please! A Vodei problem!!!!!

This is the most annoying thing ever!
A lot of videos I've downloaded in the past few days have given me this message: Vodei MP 2 or newer required to play etc...

Anyway : I downloaded it from 'and it was working fine for a while 'although some of the movie's still would not play, and it even says on the website that you don't have to register in order to use it, a short while later it stopped and demanded me to register (PAY) ha ha ha
So! I browsed some forums and I've seen a lot of people say it is a scam, but some have said that you simply have to download it from the correct site and it works fine.
I also saw people giving links to other programs that let you kind-of hack into the movie and change some settings or letters or what-ever, but that takes too much time, especially for just previewing a file, and then there's a way to convert the video with some other software, which is even harder again.

So can someone please tell me where to get Vodei or even something else that will do the job, because most of the video's did work.

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