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Old February 19th, 2011
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Originally Posted by tyke220 View Post
I've seen alot about Shareaza while searching for a better platform than Frostwire.. it's still good, but more often than enough I get a whole list of corrupt files and none of the songs I wanted to download. So can you use Shareaza on Mac?? And is it searchable like Frostwire??
Unfortunately no. And no GnucDNA clients were ported to the mac either. AFAIK

The Mac gnutella clients are LimeWire, LimeWire Pirate Edition (this works well), Phex, FrostWire (contains adware). There are a couple others not represented on this forum which are spin-offs of LW using the same code. One is a smaller version used mostly in the asian countries. The other, I also have a mindblock on the name but starts with A lol, but you need to buy it & also it now has same problem as the original LW with connecting. (I have tried both these last two clients in years past.)

Apparently Gtk-Gnutella (Linux client) works on Mac but only via terminal I believe.

There are a few ways you can run a Windows program client on your Mac. One is WINE, which is free. Simply allows you to run Windows apps. Another is, if you have an intel mac you can install Windows either with or without Bootcamp support. Other alternative is to install a virtual machine that runs Windows (which is what I use. i tried bootcamp option but my windows kept corrupting & eventually gave up on it.) Obviously I'm a Mac user also.

Have you tried the LPE (Pirate Edition)?
If you wish to try it, I'd recommend first deleting parts of your FrostWire preferences but keeping your downloads.dat & library5.dat & library.dat files. Downloads.dat contains your incomplete files download history. Library.dat files contain your shares information. If your shares are not complicated, then do not back this file up. Limewire.props I usually backup also but depends how differently FrostWire deals with this file. (The xml folder contains all the meta descriptions given to your files but ... FW is based on LW 4 using LW 5 code, so might be worth ridding of this folder since LW 4 meta-data is not compatible with LW 5.)
Probably easiest way is to backup just the Downloads.dat file, then delete all references to FrostWire on your computer. Install LPE & run it once, close it. Then replace the newer downloads.dat with the older one you backed up. (How to find the LW preferences folder)
Originally Posted by tyke220 View Post
... but more often than enough I get a whole list of corrupt files and none of the songs I wanted to download.
This is probably more-so to do with your selection of files to download. Some good tips here How to find music & video.
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