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Old March 18th, 2011
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Originally Posted by File_Girl71 View Post
Hmmm.....I found a realy stupid issue with FW 4.21.4! It does not share any files!!!
Same issue for me too. Does not share anything whatsoever on MacOSX. No music files (AIFF, FLAC, mp3, mp4), no video files, no image files.

And I can confirm same problem for Windows on XP. Both of these scenarios are after uninstalling previous version & deleting the previous FW preferences folder.

Nice, FW has become a non-sharing LEECH program not sharing anything. I guess that's one reason I've been seeing so many leechers across the network in recent times.

That's definitely one way to kill the gnutella network. Having nobody sharing files. O.o

Edit: OK I've discovered the default is for all supposed chosen shared folders to be non-shared. Odd behaviour. We need to manually right-click the files & choose 'Share'. Most new users of FW will not understand this & not realise they are not sharing any files.

One would have thought if a person wishes to deliberately choose to share a folder, that all such files within would be auto-shared immediately (after hashing.) And without needing to manually right-click the folder in the upper level or the individual files & choose to share.
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