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Old May 10th, 2002
grenouille grenouille is offline
Join Date: May 10th, 2002
Posts: 3
grenouille is flying high

I have a similar problem ever since evolving to 1.7.5. Mine will run great after installing for something up to 20 hours, then hang, using 95%+ CPU usage. Subsequent re-starts will either hang before (or as) the UI loads, or crash outright. Uninstalling and reinstalling solve the problem for the next half day or so, but then it starts again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

On the bright side, however, it has been educational. It's given me an excuse to try several other Gnutella clients. Frankly, they all s**k. This one is still the best, just needs a little something (probably a bug in XP- why would Microsoft make something that works right all the time - it would mess up their job security!)

Last edited by grenouille; May 10th, 2002 at 01:56 AM.
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