Originally Posted by OldDeath You don't need more then 2 leaf2Hub connections for optimal connection. Having anything more will not at all affect your search results or download speeds positively.
And if you're having connection and internet problems, try stepping down your settings to no more than 8 peer2peer ones and 400 Hub2leaf ones. This should solve your problem. Probably your router is not capable of maintaining that much simultaneous connections (probably it's the many UDP packets that do kill it and cause the connection losses). |
Thanks, that solved my problem of me having no connection when running Shareaza. Unfortunately, still most of my downloads display pending.
Strangely enough, those downloads that are without sources, instead of pending its says "On queue".
From time to time I get some download bits, but they're rare. Do I have to set up something for that?
Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings This was my thought when I saw this topic yesterday/day before. Sounded potentially like too many connections for the router to handle. Some routers handle large numbers of connections better than others. Also, Wireless connection devices tend to struggle the most with very high numbers of connections. For a start, wireless connected devices have a tendency to be inconsistent when they are pushed with heavier needs. Just my 2 cents worth.  |
Thanks, but I'm on a ADSL not Wi-fi. (I do have it though).