Wish I could say I'm here to help HELB, but I'm having the same problem at the time.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Cable Modem, Hard line in.
Port: 6346
Enabled through Windows firewall
Running AVG free which has no firewall to my knowledge.
Connection test says something about a stealth firewall or a router not being configured. I don't have any other Virus or Firewall programs than whats mentioned.
Shareaza connects to Gnutella1 and eDonkey but not Gnutella2. Odd thing is I wasn't having this problem yesterday when I downloaded Shareaza. Today however Gnutella2 just doesn't seem to wanna cooperate. It remains in a constant state of 'Connecting.'
Any help is appreciated.
Last edited by Kyuuen; May 18th, 2011 at 08:23 AM.