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Old June 1st, 2011
Silmenume Silmenume is offline
Join Date: June 1st, 2011
Posts: 1
Silmenume is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Let me just take a moment to shout for joy about this new release!


I had the last stable release, and for all intents purposes it did not work. The only network it would rapidly, easily and consistently connect to was eDonkey. I could get G2 to connect if I did a manual search and force connect and even then the connections would only last from minutes to less than a score of hours. I could not get G1 to connect at all under any circumstances - period.

I installed this release and everything network was up an running within 3 minutes.

A "Good job" to those hard working coders out there! Thank you
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