Hey Folks below are the instructions someone posted to download frostwire onto linux. This is great unless you are a total newbie to linux (which is me and probably tons of other people) For us newbies we need alot more detail because I have no idea what any of that below means.
What is "Alien" and how do you install it?
What is and how do you create and install a debian package?
What is a rpm?
What is sudo alien LimewireLinux.rpm. What is sudo dpkg -i limewire-free_{version-number}_i386.deb. and how do you install these things?
I feel like an idiot but please remember some of us have been living in the windows world where we download a program, find the execution file, double click it and it installs.
Linux is an awesome operating system and I love how solid and bullet proof it is but wow...now I know why it has never gone mainstream. The average person is just not capable nor do they have the time of doing all this.
Can anyone help and post some really detailed instructions. I did download the noarch.tar.gz That is as far as I got. Thanks!
1. Download the latest LimeWire from
2. Make sure you have "alien" installed:
sudo apt-get install alien
3. Create a debian package from the rpm:
sudo alien LimewireLinux.rpm
4. Install the debian package:
sudo dpkg -i limewire-free_{version-number}_i386.deb
There should be an entry in the programs menu if you are using KDE or Gnome. You will also be able to start limewire by typing "limewire" in the terminal.