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Old June 14th, 2011
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Blackhorse 70V Blackhorse 70V is offline
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Join Date: January 31st, 2008
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 763
Blackhorse 70V is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel


Welcome to the Gnutella forums!

To find the episodes you seek you will likely have greater success searching torrent sites.

There have been many, many reports of dolphins saving human divers from shark attacks and other hazards. To return the favor we imprison many of them. We assist those in the wild by asking tuna fisheries to kill fewer dolphins. We feed the survivors a di-et rich in plastic, crude oil, and more toxic chemicals than we can count.

The next dolphin movie I want to see is 'Flipper's Revenge', or 'Dolphins Take Miami'. They're smart creatures. Some day they'll figure out that we're not their friends.

Last edited by Blackhorse 70V; June 14th, 2011 at 09:20 PM. Reason: filter would not accept di-et without the hyphen
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