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Old June 20th, 2011
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Originally Posted by ToNneTje View Post
True, but i'm online 24/7 as Ultrapeer and i'm having connections from this range for months now... sometimes 20 or more, all of them using an old Limewire version and none of them with sharing files... that's why i'm pretty sure that this IP range is ready to block (at least for a while)
arne_bab or GregorK may know a method of banning client versions. This might be better than ip ban ranges. Or perhaps using a combination with the worst users.

I confess, my LW has large ban ranges. lol I suspect people are paranoid about sharing in come countries nowadays. I don't mind those starting up, but when people see you downloading their files & deliberately remove those files from shares, that annoys the heck out of me. Especially when they have 8,000 of my files to choose from & are usually downloading rapidly from me at the same time.

I think I posted about my annoyances about such users in a private forum section here beginning of year.

What versions of LW are you talking about?

(One issue with a large ban list is it makes Java run out of memory easily. Also becomes slow writing to the settings files. I recognised that LW at least would work best if shared, incomplete downloads, keyword filters, ban list, etc. were each written to different files instead of only the limewire.props, downloads.dat & library5.dat files. Seems to use heaps of memory for a program to read many lines of a setting file as it seeks all the way through it to write again to the appropriate location. Ideally, splitting the file into two files if beyond a certain number of lines of text. 8,000 shared files, that's a lot for the program to read through & rewrite to. Same applies for large number of incomplete files. And a large ban list means the program is forever re-checking the file searching the settings document.
LW seems to have a maximum set use of RAM. Ideally, it would access more RAM and use virtual memory when needed. I have 16 GB of RAM and 4 x 1 TB HDD's, yet LW (LPE) only uses 250 to 300 MB of RAM & 350-500 MB of VM on MacOSX (Some versions of LW 4 used to be a VM hog.) Yet at times the LW 5 program freezes due to Java memory issues.
For Phex, I am only sharing 2,500 files so have not tested its memory limitations or how it handles memory compared to LW. Phex's RAM use for me is similar to LW5, a little less.)
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