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  #51 (permalink)  
Old May 10th, 2002
Posts: n/a


v0.4 clients are connected through non-Bearshare clients to the Gnutella network, Bearshare is blocking them! without some fair other clients Xolox wouldn't be able to find and download files from Bearshare. also Bearshare does advantage Bearshare clients. the protocol doesn't say that, your screenshot doesn't show it, but Vinnie did it and you know that too.

it is obviously true, that Bearshare alone would block some clients and does disadvantage all other clients. it's fact that other clients grant access and being fair, but Bearshare is a selfish pain for Gnutella. with a click of a button you are becoming a freeloader too, wtf, where does Bearshare misbehaviour ends....??

so please, save your hipocrisy and stop flooding with wrong information. don't you have some homeworks to do?
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