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Old July 19th, 2011
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Create a magnet link of one of your shares & send it to your friend & see if it downloads for them whilst both of your LW's are online simultaneously. Use the Copy link from the View File info window for magnet details. email or whatever that copied information to your friend (ie: paste the copied link details into a chat/email window to your friend.)

An abbreviated & heavily edited version of a magnet link:
magnet:?&xt=urn:sha1:3VqYuIoOc2XLPXDXYSWHYOQK8CL2R A3K&dn=+Rock_It.mp3&xs= 78493

(Your friend simply copy-pastes the similar link you give to them into their internet browser address bar. Their default magnet handler program will then open & attempt to download the magnet link file. If they use LW then it will be LW that opens & attempts to download the file.)

Keep in mind, we cannot find all users on the gnutella network in a search no matter how many searches & find more results we do. Otherwise a single search would take several hours to complete & still not be accurate since people come & go from the network all the time.

I'm not sure how to deciphor one's own pseudo name. I found mine a few times whilst my LW mysteriously found myself in a search. However since I have a highly dynamic ip address, my pseudo name changes continuously. The name is based on your ip address & possibly some other details such as country.

BTW go to your Public Shared window, click the Hits, Upload attempts & Upload headings tabs to arrange them that way to see if your files are being found in searches & if they are being uploaded at all.

I find shared file descriptions help dramatically with search hits for shared files, however, unfortunately LW 5 & LPE never added a 'functional' description option for video files. Works very well with most other file types. Descriptive words actually help files to show up in search results. So if you choose such words carefully.

BTW there's different ways of searching for a file. A music file via artist, song title, or partial of either as a general audio search, not counting the advanced search option. For video, partial title search or even the file extension such as .avi or something else in the name of the file. (Continually searching the same thing can make search results go numb, ie: ultrapeers begin to stop responding to such search results because they 'might' consider it as some kind of spam being continual/constant. So varying your search & giving a time gap between identical searches can help. Besides, a time gap often helps in more ways than one in searches as people join the network, & the network dynamics of connecting to/finding others changes.)

BTW if your friend can start to download the magnet link, hopefully they can browse your files also. Likewise, you browse their files from your upload window.
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