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Old September 15th, 2011
shetler shetler is offline
Join Date: September 15th, 2011
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Default LimeWire in Mac OS X Lion

I just got a new MacBook Pro and am using OS X 10.7.1 (Lion) for the first time. I downloaded LimeWire 5.5.16 and installed it. When I launch the application I get a Network Error "LimeWire is unable to connect to the internet. It's likely that you need to update your security software to allow LimeWire to access the internet. Please see for more information." Of course the link doesn't work.

I know that with previous versions of OS X it was necessary to tell the firewall to give access to LimeWire/Gnutella, but I cannot find those settings in Lion. When I go to System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Firewall it indicates "This computer's firewall is currently turned off. All incoming connections to this computer are allowed."

Can anyone help?
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