I always have liked Limewire, I used it a lot in a M$-Windoze environment, then started to use Morpheus. However, I now need to use a Linux environment and Limewire seems to be one of the few Linux offerings out there.
However, I must admit that I think that Java sucks a bit. Whilst it has its attractions it seems that the environment, certainly in *ix terms, is a little rickety, which is very surprising given sponsors like Sun and IBm et al. All Java applications I look at seem to work within the confines of the developer's world, but once escaped into the real world, seem to be less well behaved. I don't know if this is a Java environment issue or just less than good development practice, but it is frustrating. I suppose it could just be me aoff course!
Still that's life for you. Once again thanks for you help. |