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Old December 6th, 2011
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Are you sure the gnutella network is enabled in preferences? Try disabling, press apply and OK. Then go back and enable and press apply and OK buttons again.

I had not used Morpheus in quite a while. But I found it did connect to the Gnutella network, be it slowly. Initially with one host after 2 to 3 minutes then slowly climbed up over time. The next time I started Morpheus, it took about 30 seconds or so to connect to the Gnutella network.

I have both G1 and G2 networks set to automatic, no force connect as either ultrapeer or leaf.

Gnutelle not connecting-morpheus-gnutella-connections.gif (click sample connection to see larger view)

At the bottom of File_Girl's post is a host file patch which may or may not help.

If further problems, I will send you my connection files.
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