Thread: No Downloads
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Old May 12th, 2002
joemc joemc is offline
Join Date: May 12th, 2002
Location: philadelphia
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joemc is flying high
Thumbs down No Downloads

Maybe I signed up and paid $10.00 while LimeWire's going thru a bad stretch, but I must say Kazaa, which I did not pay for, works a whole lot better. LimeWire's got a whole bunch of interesting features, but when it comes right down to it, if you're not able to download squat all those bells and whistles mean nothing. Every download says, "Requery Sent, Waiting." I've downloaded three songs in three days, while other users have gone through the 4,000 mp3 files I have available. I'm about to bail out unless something improves.
I see other people are experiencing similar problems, so I'll try to wait it out. But for now it seems like a waste of money.
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