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Old January 20th, 2012
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I have updated the above post, *bump*

Do not think they will not try again ... SOPA stopped after unprecedented online protests .. the RIAA, MPAA, Murdoch, etc. are out for internet control. They pressure USA's international trading by blackmailing other countries around the world to change their laws in favor of MPAA and RIAA as a prerequisite for trading with the USA. They not only want to control the entire world's internet but also their own (USA), censoring and destroying websites (and individuals.) I can assure you, the MPAA, RIAA, etc. will not stop, they will continue with another Bill or adjusted Bill down the line. And it will not stop there I can assure you. Once they pass something like this in parliament, they will see they have an open door to censorship laws of their desires. And then there is Phone and email tapping ... oh ... and more in the years to come. They will find excuses for these changes, and use the excuses as a smokescreen.

Mr. Reid said Friday he hoped Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, who has been shepherding the bill through Congress, could help resolve differences in the legislation.

“I am optimistic that we can reach a compromise in the coming weeks,” he said.

Mr. Leahy slammed the Senate derailment of the anti-piracy legislation as a “knee-jerk reaction to a monumental problem,” but said he is committed to getting a bill signed into law this year.
Corporations are dangerous to the world. They want to monopolize everything. They want total control over 'everything' regardless the negative effects on the consumer or the environment. A Police State helps to give and maintain this control for corporations. So does multiple large payments to government persons or parties (and law enforcement departments or personnel) to gain this kind of monopoly they perpetually chase. The RIAA, MPAA, etc. are themselves corporations. It is one corrupt world out there.

Illegal activities with the authorities turning a blind eye: the organisations sponsored by the RIAA and MPAA, etc. to spam p2p file networks with viruses and whom steal ip addresses from around the world to carry out their activities. Identity Theft I believe it is called.
The spreading of dangerous viruses around the world's internet can also be referred to as Industrial Espionage. Over the years, many businesses around the world have been greatly affected by the viruses released by the spam organisations mentioned above. Businesses have lost revenue, had to close temporarily, had to lay off staff, had to rebuild their databases, etc. due to the economic and computer structural damage caused. Yet these spam organizations are free to roam lawlessly without anybody to reign them in.

Don't you think it is time to put a stop to this? Take care who you vote for in government elections. Double-check their credentials and what they stand for and what their policies and standings are on particular issues. If you are not sure, inquire at their offices. If they do not respond to individuals, then they will probably only respond to commercial groups who sponsor them greatly (ie: easily sold out!) Is that who you want representing you? Is that who you want running your country and setting up laws for you to abide by?
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