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Old February 14th, 2012
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Not of great importance and you can ignore this issue: Just a small note about the GWebCache file. Some listings will clash with others and the result will be duplicate host listings in your connection file. I have had up to 10 listings of a single host in the Connect file (with same ports) with the only difference being time online. And I am convinced there is at least one GWebCache host site that gives out-of-date information. I have not yet figured out which one.

If you are concerned, then if you delete all the listings of sites in the GWebCache file, within days, BearShare will create its own list. These should be trustworthy.

I have had 4 BS's running so I have been experimenting with the GWebCache hosts since before I created this thread topic and have some confidence in some that are at least acceptable. I decided to remove the GWebCache file from the installer before I released the above installer publicly.
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