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Old February 23rd, 2012
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I have attached up-to-date connection installers for Gnucleus. Be sure to choose the right installer for the same version of Gnucleus you are using. Gnucleus, and should all use the Gnucleus 2 connection installer.

Gnucleus 1.8 or any other version 1.x should use the Gnucleus 1.8 connection installer.

If you are using Gnucleus 1.8, when you get connected do a search and this will help you keep your peers connected. ie: keep the search open. Gnucleus has an idle mode where it drops peer connections each within 10-15 minutes of the other if it is not doing anything, down to one. I have only seen one other Gnutella client do this, but that's after about an hour of being idle.

Also for Gnucleus 1.8 only, whilst Gnucleus is closed, you could open the GnuConfig.ini file and change the connect detail to something like this (unless you wish to run in Ultrapeer mode):
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