These are my sister's pets. I periodically baby-sit Dannykatz at my place every 4-6 months and the animals at my sister's place each summer.
We have had Siamese cats in our family since I was very young. But Dannykatz is the loudest Siamese cat we have ever had.
Dannykatz was born on 1 November 2007. This photo was taken during my first baby-sit of him.
Jed was born 15 September 2009 so is Dannykatz younger bro. This photo was taken 20th November 2009 whilst Jed was learning how to garden.
Jed is now a young man. lol
This is Jed resting after playing with Dannykatz.
It's such hard work rounding up the chickens to return to the chook house. Actually they will go up themselves but may come and get you to be their leader to walk them there.
This is Danny pretending innocence.
Ah, escaped from those cat eating chickens.
No rest for the wicked.
Ouch caught. Things I do for my lil bro. Pretending to be easy to catch.
Both Jed and Danny are best of friends and play all day long. Appears rough at times, but I can assure you, when Danny wants to, he puts Jed into his place.
Most times itt looks so funny when Danny takes the advantage over Jed.
They can often be seen sleeping together also. Danny seems to like Jed's kennel for midday snoozes.
Sunset is Danny's curfew which he seems to know and return by himself. But not always. He complains. (Curfew for native life protection.)