Old thread topic, but relevant post since the topic has been relevant up to now ... perhaps a side-solution ...
This post had me concerned. I realised that because BearShare has a separate connection list for BS users, that they are more prone to dynamic hosts. I found in the general gnutella connect file perhaps 50-70+% were dynamic. But because the BearShare user-base is so much smaller, those with highly dynamic addresses that change every 2-3 days, results in a BearShare connect list of around 90+% dynamic host addresses, this is no exaggeration though some are not so highly dynamic. Of course, most of these are no longer valid, thus the BS connect list becomes full of these useless host addresses, and becomes out-of-date very quickly. If you can imagine a single dynamic host using up to 20-25 slots in the connection list over just a month, that's how it can be. All out-of-date and out of date within a few days. If you can imagine another 30+ hosts with similar host address changing habits added to this ... one reason is they re-boot their system a few times a week instead of leaving their computer and BearShare running all week.
I've been working on a static list. Not perfect, but it's a start for those who need a reliable list of BearShare hosts to connect to. I hope to release an initial version of it by April, with improvements over time if I stay committed to .. the forum. It's a thankless job sometimes when you help out on forums and give heaps of time, enthusiasm and energy for nothing. Sometimes a simple thank you can go a long way. But that seems rare sometimes.
It would help also if BearShare users continued to keep connected to the network. More active static hosts would be ideal.
My BS connection list already contains a reliable set of non-BS hosts to connect to. Still improving though with the best dedicated multi-day connecters being added to it. Also trying to keep the connection list clean of the enemy hosts.