This happened early December 2010. But kept forgetting about it.
I had forgotten about the ban list after I started using LPE full-time and had deleted my preferences folder.
I was inundated with guess who? lol
Media Defender was one of the culprits, and probably responsible for the others. I was running in ultrapeer mode at the time. Left LPE to fend on its own as I was busy with other things.
Top of the connection window:

Lower down on connection window: (I mistakenly dated this one, it was 2010)

Media Defender: (top shows the LW 5.1.2 host listings direct from Media Defender.)
LW 5.1.2 ultrapeers and 4.18.8 leafs. At least two of the 5.1.2 versions directly linked to Media Defender. They also use servers in Germany and elsewhere.
You may notice some were giving very high dropped messages, up to 76%.
* Note: due to privacy reasons, ip addresses are not normally allowed to be posted on this forum. However, this is an exception so people are aware of and can block these spammer addresses.
The USA tries to set the example to the rest of the world like, look at us, we are the perfect society. Yet, companies such as Media Defender, sponsored by the RIAA and MPIA, etc. are allowed to break not only international law but also USA law on spreading of malicious virus across the internet. The USA Government and policing organisations turn a blind eye because ... of special 'donations' to them by the RIAA and MPIA, etc. Makes it look like the Mafia is in total control of the USA. Even worse, since spreading of malicious virus is equivalent to terrorism. Many people's businesses have been affected both in the USA and worldwide, resulting in loss of business and jobs. It is a plot to help the USA with international trade.