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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 14th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Vinnie, your code sux.
We know it does because you never let anyone look at it. Closed source is so easy because you don't have to worry about anyone looking it over, so be as sloppy as you like, as long as the "front" looks good and the user nevers sees the crap.
Then you sit there thinking all day long on how you can disadvantage other clients and gain more market share. The BearShare BlackHole is a good example of how you sneek in code that screwes up other clients. You knew this would happen, but you went ahead and did it anyway.
You won't take out the spy packets even though you don't need them for the purpose you told everyone they are for (update check for new versions), so now we all know they do more than just that.
You have been talking about how 3.0 is going to be so great, but now Gnucleus is way better than your planned 3.0 and this upsets you. GOOD !
You need to leave Gnutella. Make 3.0 your version that creates this BearShare Network you have always talked about and leave us alone.
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