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Old June 29th, 2012
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Originally Posted by pongo1 View Post
... and this works for me.
Cool, this works on Windows XP and no doubt works on other Windows versions. Excellent find and solution!!! I'm sure File_Girl71 (or you) could create a simple fix based on this instead of people creating their own shortcuts. Setting up a prop file to tell LW what to do as it opens would need to be in the same folder as the LW.jar file so it reads that before it does other things. I do not know if that would be the best approach.

Edit: May 2013: LimeWire 5 and Java 7 shortcut installer aka LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance.. There is a dual Java fix combined with a connection file security equivalent to the LimeStart designed for MacOSX from earlier 2012.

Edit: (17th December, 2012): I have created an installer to create any needed shortcuts for you and with LW icons if you would prefer it to be done for you.
Edit: March 11, 2013: I have created a dual installer depending on whether you have standard LPE or File_Girl'ls version installed. How will you know which option to use? If after installing LPE the shortcut says LimeWire 5.6.2 then use the Standard LPE option. If the shortcuts are simply named LimeWire, then you have installed File_Girl's version of LPE and should choose the File_Girl LPE option. .(Also the startup screens are different. In the following image the top one is standard LPE, lower one File_Girl's LPE in this sample image.)

Only one issue I have found is if you are using Windows 7 and have File_Girl's version installed, you will end up with two Start Menu program listings for LW unless you choose Desktop icon for All users. This is not a necessary choice, you can simply right-click the original listing from the Start Menu and choose Delete.

The LPE versions we have listed on the forum since December are already packaged with the Java shortcut fix installers and security installers so no need to use these ones. Although improvements have been made with these ones.

* LW 5 + LPE - LimeStart + Java Fix (click on link). LimeStart has been tested with LPE on Windows 8, 7, 2000 and XP for LPE and other LW 5 versions. This will install shortcuts specific for LPE (File_Girls version), LPE (original), 5.3.6, 5.4.6, 5.4.8, 5.5.8, 5.5.9, 5.5.10, 5.6.0 beta, 5.6.1 beta, LW prototypes-Lightweight, LW prototypes-Geo, LW prototypes-LAN, and a generic LW 5 option for any other LW 5 version. If the original LW shortcuts anywhere still remain simply delete them. For start menu simply right-click and choose remove. If you would prefer to create your own shortcuts then see post #38 below.

If you ever wish to uninstall LimeWire, uninstall the LW-Java shortcuts first using the Add/Remove Control panel.

From the Oracle Java site (Start screen is not supported): "The desktop version of the Windows 8 OS does not run in a full 64-bit mode (unless you have Enhanced Protected Mode in Internet Explorer 10 turned on), thus 32-bit Java is the default." Thus if updating 64-bit Java, always update the 32-bit Java last or LW will error and behave oddly.

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Limewire 5.6.2(pirate edition) and java 1.7-lpe-java7.gif  
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