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Old July 2nd, 2012
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sleepybear91 sleepybear91 is offline
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Join Date: October 30th, 2010
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Posts: 143
sleepybear91 is flying high

On the subject of better searches, I am losing more and more quality contributors as time goes by. I am still using LPE. I share music and music only. Usually rock, pop, soul and country. I live on the west coast USA and search late night hours. In the last 8-12 months or so the majority of my connections have been from Japan, and most of them are just contributing games and videos only, so they are bad matches for me. I drop them continously but they usually just keep reappearing back immediately. My port keeps resetting at 6346 although I have changed it with no luck on any other english speaking country popping up instead of Japan. Any suggestions? Should I stay with Limewire? Are there any other tricks I can do? I have had great luck for years with LW, but not too good in quite a while.
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