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Old July 18th, 2012
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Originally Posted by aerin View Post
*picture -
No, my bet is it is a network of spammers. All very similar ip address. Have another look at my post about the ban ranges and you will see some of the networks that spam. The ones you are getting might be a new network ip range. These are professional spammers all working for the same company.

The two numbers you see after the name are the last two numbers of their ip address. As you know ip addresses are divided into 4 sections: x.x.x.x
So their second last number is 7 ... thus .. x.x.7.5 to x.x.7.144
We need to find the first two numbers of their ip range.

Is there any way you can check the 'actual' ip address of whom connects to you, etc.? For MacOSX I use Console which gives a
real-time history of my connections .. and there's another way I can find them via a 3rd party frontend to my OSX firewall which allows me to check all my present connections.

IF you can find their ip addresses and ranges, ban the heck out of them lol And please pass the ip addresses to me via Private Message if possible.

The only ip range in my post I linked you to that looks similar is: - . . (7 hosts seen in this range, spam)
But I do not know if this is the MagicMushroom one.

Note: these companies usually have a half or entire range of ip addresses allotted to them. Sometimes several ranges. Banning them will not in any way affect your web browsing etc. Though of course you can simply just ban them at the LW level in the LW filter ban list.

If you go to your LW Tools menu, Advanced Tools, and if you see any connections to LW 5.1.2 versions, ban them. Likewise if you see any LimeWire 4.21.1(rc) versions. These are all spammers. It's a learning curve, but one you will master eventually.

Edit: I opened LW after a week or so. I cannot find any MagicMushrooms but know I have connected to them before. It sort of stands out as a name lol. I do not have my ban list in action outside of LW at moment but LW itself has quite a few as backup so I may have already banned those ranges.

Birdy suggests you see

BTW I am glad you understand about Forum posting protocol. I think we can excuse it on this occasion for the varied off-thread-topic. The fact you apologised for it helped.
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