Started this topic 4 Months ago, no reply from Gregor or Arne-bab... after the "death" of Frostwire and Limewire it was a BIG moment for Phex to step into this empty space. I think Phex is next to Gtk-Gnutella the best Gnutella-only client available. Phex is still downloaded many times a day, but Phex really need a new version for better results and to get in the spotlights again!
I'm using Phex, it's a snapshot but works great!
I add some bad extensions to my search-filter and my searches are very very clean! By default there are many many fake-files, this will scare people off! If Phex is having an updated filter, people will stay at Phex!
Is the Phex development still going on? Will there be a new version in future? |