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Old August 3rd, 2012
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Default New Fullsize Hostiles List for BearShare

I have updated the Fullsize Hostiles block list file after figuring out how to do it.

This list not only adds new listings of spam networks and known spam addresses, but also adds Japan and Taiwan to the list. In effect, because some of the ranges removed many thousands of previous individual listings, the overall size of the block list is now 10% smaller than the previous block list last updated over a year ago. This should make it a little faster to load when opening BearShare and use a fraction less RAM memory.

The size of this list is about 54,000 less listings and about 2 MB smaller than the previous hostiles list file. However, no previous hosts have been removed from the list, they are still within the ban ranges for better or worse. I did not think I was the appropriate person to choose what to remove.

If you wish to download Japanese related material, then choose the BearShare - Hostiles Blocklist version.

The reasons for the addition of Taiwan and Japan are (1) their large numbers with spamming and other kinds of anti-file-sharing activities, such as deliberate upload slot containment and robotic browsing, and heavily pinging users. (2) to assist people's searches to return more culturally similar results. This is also assisted when you are not connected directly to several such hosts.

The list may be updated on the fly without notice. And is likely to be updated at least monthly or bi-monthly. (Edit: hostiles is updated approximately every 2 months.)

The links? Oh the links:

Download the Fullsize Hostiles List 2013 via MediaFire . or via SaberCat


Download the Fullsize Hostiles List 2013 via 4Shared (need to be a 4Shared member to use their downloads) and the no Jap Block version via 4Shared.

If you would prefer an installer for the Fullsize Blocklist, then see either the Hotfile or filecloud links.

Edit February 2013: a single installer is now inclusive of both options and for either standard BearShare or the BearShare 5.1 Beta Test version. (Also removed uninstall data from all installers. I previously had no idea this had been included by default without anything in the code to say it had been.) Edit March: fixed a small silly error I made with the installer. Apologies if it affected anyone who downloaded the February installer as one choice would not install an appropriate file.

The hostiles files have been put together in same folder as other BearShare material to download from (with exception of the 4Shared links.) This makes it easier to update the files without changing the forum's download links.

Windows 8 users will either need to use the installer or else, change the permissions of the BearShare program folder and reboot computer so you have permission to replace items in the db folder.

BTW as a note, if you read the first page of this thread, someone was put on the hostiles list for simply having 2 files in their shares which coincidentally matched the same size as a common spam file of that time. This suggests there are probably other listings of similar nature. I noticed that person's address was not removed from the hostiles list and in fact the entire sub-range and next one to it are banned. I presume there was a valid reason for this such as multiple findings in each of those small sub-ranges. The average true spammer has a lot more than two spam files in their shares, if you have ever browsed one you will know what I mean. Mind you, those posts on the first page were from over 5 years ago. But I doubt a hash check of the files was done at the time to verify they were spam files.

(The asian blocklist is not intended to be any kind of insult to the asian community. This block incorporation is due to sensible file-sharing. And due to forum members noting their frustrations to only or mostly connecting to asian hosts. As a personal note, personally, I studied 3 asian languages at university, and unofficially other asian languages and many dialects including Japanese dialects. I have a high appreciation of Japanese culture. I have spent months at a time traveling asia. Not to mention our work and friendships alongside. And several years sharing accommodation locally. ie: the blocklist is due to 'underhand' RIAA, and similar sponsored group pressure. Don't we love Sony's music and video/film company interests ... cough coff!!! They destroyed our local music industry, that's enough for me! They walked in bought up all the local music companies, sacked so many successful local bands, then americanised the local music industry all so commercially .. yew! pewk! Australia's music has no independent styles now, .. it simply copies what the usa music companies want them to. pfft .. I'm more than happy to protect my ears from that crap lol .. sorry, as usual starting to ... but anyway, americanisation of music means variant styles and independency and originality of musical ideas vaporise. And people once asked, whatever happened to the great designers of new ideas and products and concepts that came from our country throughout our entire history that we were secretly famous for, why not now?)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; December 6th, 2013 at 11:57 PM. Reason: Replaced HotFire links with MediaFire
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