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Old August 5th, 2012
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Which version of BearShare are you using may I ask?

Past couple days, I've again tried experimenting with using BS 5.2.6 Pro (k), as usual struggles to make any connections. 15-35 mins may connect to one bs host, at most 2. But we all know those (k) versions of 5.2 do not connect or connect well. At that rate, BS 5.1 beta beats it hands down. I suspect probably the only persons using BS Pro who are regularly using it were original users of the program.

I'm not sure what the improvements of 5.2 were supposed to be, other than UPnP support, I doubt there was any dramatic improvements, also considering the developer was already working on ways to infest the program with external control.
Originally Posted by AaronWalkhouse View Post
"Cracked" BearShare Pro:
At best, not worth your time because the beta listed above gives you better control and the download maximums are the same or better. At worst, one of the cracked versions was improperly packaged with an old freepeers.ini file with the GUID 69D4F5C2D934FBEC6FC6CB06BDD32D29. Having a non-unique GUID breaks push downloads, causing what amounts to a DDOS against anybody with the defective software who happen to be firewalled and also against anybody who tries to download any file hosted by them. All firewalled users with this GUID are being blocked from the network in
the Fullsize Hostiles List and the gnutella templist hosted by Bluetack. If you were wondering why your cracked Pro was performing so badly even as at kept your bandwidth maxed out all the time, now you know.
Lovely, they added the (k) version to the BS Block list, AaronWalkhouse was so thoughtful, such a kind person. Especially since he had so much control over the block list.
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