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  #254 (permalink)  
Old August 22nd, 2012
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Oops sorry I became distracted and temporarily forgot. I was too tired when I first saw your post not having slept for almost 30 hours, then became distracted the following day as soon as I logged in.

A fellow member suggested maybe your Norton Security Scan is having some effect. As the files are downloading it's continually scanning them. Perhaps try temporarily disabling the Norton Scan to see if that improves things.

Personally I cannot see anything wrong with your system set-up.

A thought passed through my mind about both your LW and Java being set to Run as Administrator, but I doubt that would really change things if your LW is running fine otherwise.

Only other thought but probably not relevant is if you are running the router wirelessly. But I sort of doubt that would have so much effect as continuously temporarily freezing the downloads. Running Wirelessly is traditionally reknown for inconsistent bandwidth. But how much so varies between brand and model and set-up.
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