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Old September 6th, 2012
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Default Copyright claim against my LPE Connection Fix at 4Shared

Unbelievably 4Shared has suspended my account due to someone making a copyright claim over my 'LPE Connection Fix' program suggesting the work was not mine. lol

I have hosted only gnutella related material at 4Shared and other sites for many years. Going back as far as 2005/2006 for hosting older versions of LimeWire that the official site stopped making available to the public. The LW devs did not disapprove of this. I think iFileIt's predecessor was the original site I used, then 4Shared becoming a dual hosting site a few years later.

Why would someone make claim my installer for a connection fix was not my work? Are they also trying to say the contents of what is installed also was not my work? I update the connection data contents periodically. Including just yesterday. The claimant probably does not even know what the installer installs. It is very easy to check the installer's company details by just hovering your cursor over the installer, and what does it say? LOTR of Gnutella forums.

This particular Connection fix installer was from January. As many people will know, I created an 'online' installer version over a year ago which had multiple language choices (over 50). The 'online' installer version I needed to get special extensions for my installer maker software to create, not to mention the extra support for the languages. The changes I needed to make it an 'offline' installer were very simple.

It's sort of funny, because I use the identical installer for FrostWire, except it simply installs into a different location.

It's all free and for free distribution to help gnutella users, but seems some whack brained people want to cause trouble.

It comes across as an anti-gnutella network attempt. If people can win so easily at 4Shared with such flaky claims then pfft to 4Shared. I will await my appeal result.

I just checked and the frequency of download hits at the other sites for the LPE connection fix have increased considerably.

Edit: all was cleared up later September (just over 2 weeks ago.)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 10th, 2012 at 10:41 AM. Reason: Edit
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