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Old September 24th, 2012
Joe Busuttil Joe Busuttil is offline
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Default Size of thumbnails in Photoshop

Many thks for yr kind and detailed reply and sorry I did not reply earlier. To remind you: I AM A SLOW LEARNER AND TO OBTAIN RESULTS I HAVE TO STRUGGLE THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR OFTEN FOR MANY LONG HOURS.

Your advice helped me greatly and am pleased to say that I have now managed to re-size
thumbnail images so that each one of the two images carries the same percentage number. For instance, I brought up the figure 66.7% on one image to 70% and the 16.7% on the second image to a 70% as well.

That way I had no problem in changing the dull sky on one image to a blue sky taken from a second image.

I am grateful for your help and kindness.

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