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  #278 (permalink)  
Old October 13th, 2012
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Originally Posted by robinepowell View Post
I don't have any songs save, that's the problem.

How do I install a connection fix and I don't know which version I have except 5.6.2. I don't think it's File_Girl's version.
LPE ConnectFix. Simply use it. But preferably after you have deleted your old prefs folder just in case it contains some corrupted files.

The first post of the first page of this thread shows the two LPE options. But perhaps you did not get your download link from here. The difference you will see between the two versions is the startup screen. File_Girl's is different.

LimeWire Pirate Edition-6107.gif

File_Girl's version is the lower start-up screen. The LOL image above it was metapirate's original version.
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