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Old November 16th, 2012
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I would have thought they would simply correct the spelling of the domain name. Particularly if it were their mistake and not yours for accidentally informing them with a misspelling.

I have not registered a domain name though I was considering it earlier in the year. Depends on the purpose of the domain I guess, business or pleasure/recreational. As it is, my ISP offers free web hosting but the site name would be the same as the account name with them. Otherwise I'd need to register a domain name and a business web hosting site.

Australian domain names require proof of Australian business residency. Normally $44.00/yr but presently $22.00 for the first year. $60 does not sound cheap in comparison. Even international domain names only cost AUD$30/yr.

From what I can ascertain, they are probably an Australian registered business to be marketing out .au domains. If you did not get what you paid for, or get a refund, then you are fully within your right to take them to consumer affairs or take legal action against them, I guess in the small business claims tribunal. But first thing to try is negotiate with a level-head with them for what you are wanting. If first person you speak to from their company does not give ground, then ask to speak to someone higher up in the command chain. If all attempts at level headed negotiation fail then seek advice from consumer affairs (there might be a more appropriate government body to speak to in this scenario. My remarks/advice are off top of my head.)
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