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  #351 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2012
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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There are known hosts that will browse you as soon as you open LW up and every single occasion without downloading, those hosts were added to the Security block list.

Yes it does sound like you are being targeted. Sounds like a USA address but I might be wrong (possibly Nth/Sth Carolina.) If super suspicious, then ban the host. Go to Tools, Options, Advanced, Filtering and scroll down to bottom of list, this will show the host's address. You can select it and copy-paste into a text document. Send me the host address via Private Message. I would prefer this to remain private for now at least until I can check the host. Also send me the name and version of the program they are using. You can find this out via right-clicking their listing in the Upload window and select View File Info., then click the Transfers tab. At bottom of the transfers tab it will display the program's name and version. Oh, you need to have uploads set to not auto-clear unless they are still downloading from you.

If you cannot copy-paste from the filter list then you may need to type it manually. My Mac version allows me to copy-paste from the list.
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