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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2013
BearShare's Avatar
BearShare BearShare is offline
Join Date: March 17th, 2011
Location: Egypt
Posts: 19
BearShare has a spectacular aura about

bUseDefaultServiceProvider = Yes ; always try first
bNeverBecomeUltrapeer = No ; never become an ultrapeer
bForwardPublicQueriesToLAN = Yes ; Forward public queries to local LAN via multicast
bNativeCompletionPorts = No ; Use native completion ports for socket I/O
connectTimeout = 10 ; max seconds for connect
handshakeTimeout = 10 ; max seconds for handshake completion
msgTimeout = 10 ; max seconds to receive message
tempTimeout = 5 ; max seconds for temp to send a ping
hostMinorTimeout = 3 ; display time for minor errors
hostMajorTimeout = 10 ; display time for major errors
szAuthUserAgent = "" ; Authorized User Agent
szRejectUserAgent = "" ; Reject User Agent

You have to get an open port on your router to get BS connect.
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