I'm sorry to hear it seems to be crashing. The information about the file resuming is definitely interesting, however. Do you remember if it only started crashing once you had exited while there was a current download (so that LimeWire would automatically try to resume that download)?
Also, you should see a file called "downloads.dat" in your incomplete directory (/Applications/LimeWire/Incomplete by default). Can you possibly e-mail me that file at
afisk@limepeer.com? I have a feeling that I will be able to reproduce the problem if you send me that, in which case we'll be able to fix it right away.
As far as other file sharing apps on OS X, I'm not familiar with any good ones. The only one that I have heard some good things about is Aqcuisition, at
www.xlife.org . I believe it's programmed by a student, however, which isn't at all a bad thing -- it just means it's probably not the top priority. Give it a shot, though.