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Old February 28th, 2013
Paulagrace Paulagrace is offline
Gone on vacation fishing, forever lost at sea
Join Date: February 28th, 2013
Posts: 3
Paulagrace is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default In FrostWire, what's the difference between picking a song with an AU format sound and picking one with an MP3?

The mp3 format is so you can transfer the song onto a cd or mp3/ipod. Frostwire is a sharing site and when you download a song or video other people can see what is popular and what isn't. If a song isn't very popular then it won't be easy to find. When you download something it goes into the library on there so you can easily see what you have. If you want to burn a cd or transfer music to an ipod, etc. You will have to go to your documents folder and looked for shared then when you open that you will see a list of all your downloaded songs and videos and from there you can start your transfers

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