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  #66 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Quit the Bearshare and Limewire bashing!!!!!! Before these clients, gnutella was useless. Both of these clients have implemented features to help improve d/l success rate, scalabity, and bandwidth usage. These companies have also infested thousands of dollars so everyone can have access to a better network. The talk about Limewire and Bearshare creating their own networks is bullsh*t!!!! It makes sense to make sure Bearshare clients connect to each other since they all have similiar features such as file hashing. Bearshare still connects with other clients and trades files with them, and at the same time, provides a large percentage of the available content on the gnutella network. 0.4 clients were blocked because it was an old protocol on old clients that were bad for the health of ALL the network. Limewire's creation of Ultrapeers is a great step in solving bandwidth and scalability issues, and im glad they got it out as soon as they did. Bearshare is testing ultrapeers in their alpha releases right now, and Bearshare works with Limewire clients and will work with other clients once they implent Ultrapeers. I haven't yet seen one person bashing Bearshare and Limewire create a client close to their quality.
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