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Old April 22nd, 2013
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I've created a Version 2 Skin installer and an installer for MacOSX users of FW 4: FrostWire and LimeWire Skin installers (MediaFire), or FrostWire Skins Windows and Linux (Filecloud), FrostWire Skins OSX (Filecloud).

I've collated some more skins from the following sources:.

1. The skins File_Girl and I collated a couple years ago she divided into two groups, half for LW half for FW. So now I'm making the other half available for each of LW and FW users. All skins have been adapted for FW where needed including logos, etc.

2. A few skins from the LW4 clones. (4 skins)

3. Some custom skins from FW skinners (thanks to Wyrdjax for his 17 skins and great artwork. Thanks to Cootmasters for his bright works and 7 skins.)

4. Since some people might not have the basic set of skins as someone noted to me, I have also included some of the original skins. Thanks to all the artists and their generosity for sharing their works. (LW 4.12 only came with 5 skins for example. Some were packaged with no extra skins.)

5. I have also included some of my own slightly varied skin versions and one fully custom skin.

I have packaged all the skins together for MacOSX and Linux users. Windows skins are MacOSX and Linux compatible. Though MacOSX's couple of default generic skins are not compatible with Windows. This is my first ever list installer for MacOSX. Linux skins are packaged together.

You can choose to install all the skins or select just the ones you want.
* Advisable to choose custom install. Reason is the Skins menu will only display as many skins as your monitor screen's resolution height allows. So check the skin sample images out first before you install. I estimate a total of only between 35 to 75 skins will be able to be viewable in the Skins menu. You can check the sample skins here to help you choose.

(There are a few skins I have not given samples for because I kept getting different results on different Windows versions and FW or LW. Their mystery will remain with your curiosity.)

To reiterate the advice in the first post, sometimes a skin will not load first time you select it. Choose Refresh skins from the Skins menu and choose the skin again and it should change properly.

As a point of reference for the installers and which skins, File_Girl71's FrostWire-Skins installer No.1 installer includes the following skins:
abstract theme, . black lt, . blue skies, . brushed metal theme, . charcoal theme, . grey skies, . gtk theme, . lime rickey theme, . metal theme, . orange and grey theme, . orange peel, . sky theme, . teal deal theme, . vista grey, . winter theme.

The skins File_Girl originally packaged for LW back then and are now available in the Version 2 installer for FW are listed here half way down my post.

All other skins listed on the samples page are included in the FrostWire Skin-Installer-No.2.Win installer (about 80 skins). Both versions are included in the MacOSX installer (100 skins) and the Linux skins package.

Creating my first 'full' skin as a total novice called "LOTR Ult", I initially based it off the Ultimate theme but you will notice it has very notable differences. My emphasis was on easy to read text and obvious highlighting of text and menus. The logo was intended to look as though a 6 year old wrote it with unevenly sized and angled letters. I could have redone it more exaggeratedly but decided to leave it as it is so the logo itself does not make people feel uneasy by the intended awkwardness of it. . . The weak point in the skin which fails miserably is the download progress percentage number. This is difficult to read until the progress bar reaches 50%. Despite this, I hope you at least try the skin out to see what you think. Totally customised icons for player and a few other specific icons. Customised program icon, logo and search animation. 3/4 way through doing the icon reminded me of Dark Side of the Moon for some odd reason. Watch it for long enough and you might get the idea. Been using LW since about 2002 yet this is my first skin design as a novice 11 years later.

Skinners note:

Most experienced skinners will already know these points:

- It seems if you use a pre-made folder for the contents of the skin, LW or FW will error when opening these skins. The error will be "Out of Date" skins. Also the contents of the lwtp/fwtp will be within a folder of a folder. (I'm guessing this problem started with the later FW & LW 4 versions.) The answer seems to be not using a pre-made folder. Instead, simultaneously select all the items you are intending to include with the skin and zip them. Then name the zip as your skin name with the lwtp/fwtp file extension.
- No spaces in the skin name, use underscores if you need a space. Capitals are not necessary as LW/FW will automatically capitalise the first letter in the skins menu.
- Changing file extension problems: I have had problems changing file extension on both Windows 7 and MacOSX. The system still sees the file as being a zip and has a hidden zip file extension regardless of the change you made. Renaming the file extension works fine in Windows XP.

- To change the program name (logo): LW Basic, FrostWire and the LW clones use logo as the filename of the image file. LW Pro uses lw_logo instead. So I packaged both of these with the LW skins at least.
- You can change the search icon in FrostWire but only LW versions prior to 4.18. (spinning lime when a search starts.)
You can change the lime.gif (an all search icon and a library icon) in LW but not FW.
- The Splash screen can only be changed for both LW and FW versions prior to 4.16.

Wyrdjax, a previous FrostWire skinner has a fantastic skinning guide here Wyrdjax's Skinning Guide
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