Thread: Node Addresses
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Old May 16th, 2002
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markyrwol markyrwol is offline
Join Date: September 19th, 2001
Location: Tyler,TX
Posts: 155
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This list is a composite of all the Gnutella host caches lists I had ever found (that still work). The port number for all of these is 6346 (this is the default port # for most of Gnutella). Different clients respond differently to down or slow hosts. Some clients (like XoloX) only accept numerical IP’s.

To check the connection speed and recover the numerical IP of the hostscaches on this list ping the address in the command line. To do this in windows goto the windows start button, then the Run tab, then type command, then type (at the prompt “C:\WINDOWS\Desktop>”) ping
If an Average = 50ms (milli-seconds) or less it’s fast, below 10ms is super fast.
If it says Unknown host, or timed out then don’t waste your time with it.
When you ping these don’t have your browser open or any share programs running, other Internet use will distort your results.
The results you receive will change daily.
You don’t need the port # to ping test them.

Here are two more hostcaches that “Request timed out” last time I tried them (they may work better in your area):

Here are three more that returned “Unknown host” (they may one day start working again):
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