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Old June 7th, 2013
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Unfortunately my post does not answer your question. I googled the concept and collated some links however they are all theory based from university studies over the past 10 years. Chances are you already know the theories. I am sorry if my links are irrelevant to your question which is asking for an appropriate coding approach.

A coder might happen by sooner or later who knows the correct approach you can use.

Several links are local google url's so I am not sure will be working. Majority are pdf's.

Gnutella_Integrating_Performance_And_Security_In_F ully_Decentralized_P2P_Models, . . . Implementing a Reputation-Aware Gnutella Servent

Intrusion Detection System to Detect DDoS Attack in Gnutella Hybrid P2P Network . . . Implementing a Reputation-Aware Gnutella Servent (2002)

A Reputation System for Peer-to-Peer Networks . . . A Reputation-Based Trust Management System for P2P Networks

Implementing a Reputation-Aware Gnutella Servent . . . Implementing a Reputation-Aware Gnutella Servent

The EigenTrust Algorithm for Reputation Management in P2P Networks . . . A Case for Locally-Organized Peer-to-Peer Lookup Services

An examination of the Gnutella 0.6 Standard with Noltella . . . PeerTrust: Supporting Reputation-Based Trust for Peer-to-Peer Electronic Communities

Semantic Social Routing in Gnutella
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