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Old May 17th, 2002
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nDiScReEt nDiScReEt is offline
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Join Date: May 9th, 2002
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nDiScReEt is flying high
Default Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a usefull idea

Originally posted by Unregistered

"observer" which technically mean sitting there criticizing and not participating. i'm also an "observer" but just so i can use wincvs to get updates.
I would like to function in a better capacity but I have to earn their trust in my competency and abilities, first. What you use your status for is your own perogrative and I don't see anything wrong with that. I am well on my way now that I finally received their emails authorizing my limited status. I don't plan on lurking just for the latest updates and features. I plan on doing more than "suggesting". I will actually send files or messages with my patches included if need be. My thing is that I am good at figuring things out and I want to share that ability with a program that I like. Sure I could do all my own changes via cvs and maintain my own fork of LimeWire for myself with all the tweaks and features that everyone else desire but only I possess. What type of a person would that make me? That was my original intent when I saw that I could download the source files, but then I came to this thread and another and saw that there was strong a demand for what I believe I can provide or at least help contribute to the absolution of those ends.
That is my say. Look to wincvs for some updates provided by me soon. I currently discovered a bug in the installer for a linux system compiled with gcc3.1 as the primary gnu compiler but I am addressing that now and finding good solid solutions. Intriguing as it is supposed to be a java based system but I guess it is the result of custom made java native threads (jni). These provide the means of how java can write to your harddrive and read from it as well. Laugh at me now, but appreciate me later.


Last edited by nDiScReEt; May 17th, 2002 at 02:02 AM.
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