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Old October 3rd, 2013
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I've never seen that before. Did you add Acqlite to your OSX firewall as an exception?
Since you are using OSX 10.4 the first post is applicable to you but perhaps use the description Acqlite instead of Gnutella/LW. By default Acqlite uses port 6346.

Have you tried a fresh connection file? You can find a combo connection installer here.
I hadn't used Acqlite for about 6 months & couldn't connect. After using the above connection installer Acqlite connected within about 5 seconds. If Acqlite does not connect after 15-20 mins, close it & open again. If still no connection repeat connection installer process.

The only sites Acqlite should be attempting to connect to are GWC (GWebCache) sites to obtain a small list of peers (gnutella hosts running as ultrapeer) to connect to. Your connection list will probably have a list of between 5-20 of them. If Acqlite works like many other gnutella client programs, it will attempt to connect to a single GWC after trying to connect to every 15 hosts from your connection file. (That is if it can connect to the particular GWC otherwise will try others.)

(OSX 10.8 would not allow me to copy-paste a url into the browser, it would say could not find. Whereas if I directed the browser to the url address manually it had no problem with it. I do not understand that logic.)

BTW in the Network window, once you are properly connected to 3 or 4 peers, if you see yourself connected to any host address ending in :27016 then remove them. Hosts that use port 27016 are Spam-Bots. Also any with port 7001. There's a 3rd party app for OSX called WaterRoof which can be used to block ports which is what I'd use on most occasions.
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