Happy New Year to all Forum Members
LOTR & Sleepless
I was reading an online newspaper this morning, the Guardian, and came across a blog saying that lots of people are complaining about Win8.1's loosing it's wi-fi connection:
Boot up: Win 8.1 Wi-Fi Woes | The Guardian.com
Which lead to this Softpedia article:
Some Windows 8.1 PCs Are Still Suffering from Limited or No Wi-Fi Connectivity
And you know what's worse, MS engineers are not admitting there is a problem:
Windows 8.1: WiFi Dropping and Limited Connectivity - Microsoft Community
Considering what happened to my son's laptop, it is now "more than" obvious that it was the wi-fi bug that disconnected the laptop and deleted it's wi-fi properties.
You know, modern software have hundreds of thousands (may be even millions) lines of code and it is impossible to write a bug-free program. However, with something such as an Internet connection, there should not be any problems with something that is so vital to the whole reason of having a computer.
Anyway, MS has definitely dropped the ball on this one but hopefully they will rush out a bug-fix.
UK Bob